MacExplorer is a Windows program that allows you to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT server using the standard Services For Macintosh (SFM). It features automatic connection to the Macintosh servers (Windows NT running SFM) and to the...


MacInfoTip 1.0.5

MacInfoTip is a freeware Windows shell extension utility used to display Macintosh files info in tooltips of your Windows Explorer the yellow balloons that pop up over a file, each time you browse folder content. MacInfoTip shows Type code, Creator code,...


BriefAudit 1.0b

Store last user and date changes in files comments field for quick audit. Show me the last 3 dates when ThisFile has been updated, who did it ? With BriefAudit, every user can easily find the answer. Just right click on the file ThisFile and select...


Delenda 2.4.19

Deletes files by date older than a certain number of hours/days in selected folders or move files to archive folders based on file creation, modification or last access date. Customization of purge time and expired time by folder, display continuously...


Idem 2.2i

Automates data synchronization and backup between local and network files or folders. Fast bidirectional replication moving files and directories. Can be installed as a Windows NT/2000 Service. Idem can check and copy the files and folders security...


MacNames 1.1l

Software solution to automatically rename Macintosh files removing illegal characters and adding the three characters extension to filenames on a Windows NT, 2000 or XP Server to facilitate file types detection and use on Windows machines. It lets you...