
js2coffee 2.1.0 updated

js2coffee takes normal JavaScript code and converts it to a more modern technology, CoffeeScript.js2coffee uses a browser-based interface for performing this task, instead of the standard Node.js terminal (js2coffee also includes a CLI tool as...


NProgress 0.2.0 updated

NProgress will mask and track the loading process on a page, showing either a loading bar and/or loading spinner at the top.NProgress is recommended for Ajax-heavy applications and websites.A demo is included with the download package.What is new in this...


Flatdoc 0.9.0

Flatdoc is a client-side system that takes Markdown files and assembles their content together into a nice looking website.Flatdoc was created for building documentation files from Markdown-styled README files.It works out of the box and with no need for...