Navicat for MariaDB provides a native environment for MariaDB database management and administration. It works with any MariaDB database servers from version 5.1 or above, and supports all MySQL objects types. You can visually design database...

Navicat for SQLite (64-bit) is a database administration and development tool for SQLite. It works with SQLite version two and three and supports most of the SQLite features including Trigger, Index, and View.Features include support for data...

Navicat for MariaDB provides a native environment for MariaDB database management and administration. It works with any MariaDB database servers from version 5.1 or above, and supports all MySQL objects types. You can visually design database...

Navicat for MariaDB

Navicat for MariaDB 12.0.1 updated

Navicat for MariaDB provides a native environment for MariaDB database management and administration. It works with any MariaDB database servers from version 5.1 or above, and supports all MySQL objects types. You can visually design database structures,...