R 3.1.2

R is an open source, freely distributed and multiplatform command-line software that provides an integrated suite of software facilities, which can be easily used for data calculation, manipulation and graphical display. In other words, R is a programming...


Python 3.6.6 / 3.7.0 RC1 updated

Python is an open source, portable, free, customizable, effective and modern programming language that offers a wide range of attractive functionality and allows application developers to create software projects that are fully compatible with all...


jTracer 1.03

jTracer is an open source, free and cross-platform software project distributed as part of the libcsdbg and designed from the offset to act as a stack trace visualization utility, supporting all mainstream operating systems and applications written in...

HGL Suite

HGL Suite 0.5.42

HGL or HGL Suite is an open source, freely distributed compiler and interpreter command-line software specially designed for developing images. It features its own simple, yet powerful language.The application's runtime input is handled entirely by...


Accerciser 3.22.0 updated

Accerciser is an open source interactive application that provides users with a modern accessibility explorer utility for the Python programming language. It is fully compatible with the GNOME desktop environment. The application makes use of the...


D-Feet 0.3.13 updated

D-Feet is an open source software project designed from the ground up for GNOME/GTK+ developers who are looking for a simple and easy to use tool to inspect D-Bus interfaces of running applications, as well as to call the methods on those...


ClamTk 5.25 updated

ClamTk is an open source desktop application that provides users with a graphical front-end for the well known Clam AntiVirus virus scanner application that runs on Linux-based operating systems. Getting started with ClamTk Its user interface is divided...


qMongoFront 0.7.2

qMongoFront is a cross-platform and open source project that provides users with a GUI (Graphical User Interface) front-end for the MongoDB database software. It is a native Qt graphical application that features an easy-to-use and straightforward...


Glade 3.22.1 updated

Glade is an open source application that allows GNOME and GTK+ developers to create beautiful and modern graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for their projects or any other command-line software. It is a user interface designer and RAD (Rapid Application...