Convert one or more images (JPG,PNG,GIF,BMP,PCX,TGA) into PDF through an easy to use/intuitive Windows interface sectioned into tabs. Supports clickable image stamps (eg company logo), bookmarks, create simple full screen PDF slideshows (with transitions)...

Fast texture generator SoftAtlas TextureLab may help in 3D, game development, Web-site design. Created images may serve as a source of new ideas. The program generates original textures using specific algorithms. It provides tools to create own exclusive...

Create kaleidoscope designs. Open an existing photo or draw within the pie wedge and see the results reflected in the kaleidoscope. Change the pen width and color and change the number of slices in the kaleidoscope. Rotate the pie wedge to change the...

Create spirograph images. Save your favorite settings and create design on top of design. Play around with the settings and the colors and start drawing. Undo if you don't like the result and start again. Version 2 may include unspecified updates,...


ArtBorders 1.3.4

ARTBorders allows you to make your photos look unique by adding beautiful artistic borders and frames to them. The program's unique feature is its capability to pick the colors of the border that match the style of the photograph's original color spectrum...