Navicat for Oracle is a database management tool which can convert XML, CSV, MS Excel, and MS Access data formats to MySQL databases, eliminating time-consuming data entry and the errors that accompany it. Other features include import and export...

myFMbutler AutoSender is a messaging solution robot that allows you to automatically send e-mails from your FileMaker solutions, based on the status of a FileMaker field. You can easily manage several files from which to send e-mail.What is new in this...

DTM Data Generator is a simple and fully customizable utility that generates data for database testing purposes. Great advantage of this software is that it is capable of creating a wide variety of test tables and supports user-defined templates. This...

DTM DB Stress is a utility for stress testing the server parts of information systems and applications, as well as DBMSs and servers themselves. This tool allows you to create and configure a continuous set of requests to the server of the OLAP (query...

VSQL++ Premium is an all-in-one database management software unrivaled for ensuring the greatest possible productivity in development and administration of Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, SQLite databases. VSQL++ Premium provides the most...

CompareData (64-bit)

CompareData (64-bit) 1.6.7 build 136

CompareData (64-bit) is a native Windows cross-DBMS application that allows you to visually compare and synchronize data between two SQL databases using ODBC drivers. You can retrieve all or some data for a table/view from two databases and compare the...


CompareData 1.6.7 build 136

CompareData is a native Windows cross-DBMS application that allows you to visually compare and synchronize data between two SQL databases using ODBC drivers. You can retrieve all or some data for a table/view from two databases and compare the data...

XtraBuild Designer

XtraBuild Designer updated

XtraBuild Designer is a powerful and productive database application development tool that allows developers to easily build flexible business solutions for rapid deployment on Windows. It is 50 times faster than any other existing database solution....