Products.Undoer is a patch/product that enables transactions to be undone based on a date. Useful if you or someone else has managed to make a lot of separate changes that would be cumbersome to undo the usual Zope way and no recent (enough) backups...


ZODB3 4.0.0 Alpha 4

ZODB3 (Zope Object Database) provides an object-oriented database for Python that provides a high-degree of transparency. Applications can take advantage of object database features with few, if any, changes to application logic. ZODB includes features...


SQLSoup 0.9.0

SQLSoup is a tool that provides a convenient way to map Python objects to relational database tables, with no declarative code of any kind. It's built on top of the SQLAlchemy ORM and provides a super-minimalistic interface to an existing...


Orabbix 1.2.3

orabbix is a free and easy to use daemon to enquiry oracle database and send item to zabbix server.orabbix is written in the Java programming language.Features:can run on Linux, Windows and Mac use Apache common dbcp connection pool to connect to...


ceODBC 2.0.1

ceODBC is a Python extension module that enables access to databases using the ODBC API and conforms to the Python database API 2.0 specifications with a few exceptions.For more information on the database API specification, see here. Use the provided...


OraRep 0.4.7

OraRep is a PL/SQL snippet (embedded in a shell script) which creates a well-formatted HTML report on a given database instance, providing you with an overview on your instance(s), some hints for performance tuning, and more.It has been tested with Oracle...


Dabo 0.9.4

Dabo is a three-tier, cross-platform database application development framework, written in Python with the wxPython GUI toolkit.Dabo's authors, Ed Leafe and Paul McNett, have strong backgrounds in database application development using the awesome and...

PythonReports is a toolkit aimed to build database reports in Python apps. The toolkit includes report template designer, report builder and several printout renderers for GUI and graphic file output.Report builder applies a template to a sequence of...


pgintcl 3.4.0

pgintcl is a Tcl interface to PostgreSQL, which is itself written entirely in Tcl, and does not rely on libpq. It is highly but not entirely compatible with other Tcl interfaces, although it is slower.It implements almost all the commands in libpgtcl, the...


sqlite3dbm 0.1.4

sqlite3dbm is a module that provides a sqlite-backed dictionary conforming to the dbm interface, along with a shelve class that wraps the dict and provides serialization for it.Installation:pip install sqlite3dbmeasy_install sqlite3dbmTesting: *...