
mongoctl 0.3.7

mongoctl is a lightweight command-line utility that simplifies the management of MongoDB servers and replica set clusters. It is particularly useful if you maintain many MongoDB environments with lots of configurations to manage.OverviewUsage:...


mig 0.0.6

mig ([M]ediaGoblin [i]s [G]reat!) was first written by Christopher Allan Webber for GNU MediaGoblin.Since then, Joar Wandborg has extracted the essentials of the functionality from MediaGoblin and into a separate package which's README you are currently...


S3QL 2.4

S3QL supports Amazon S3 as well as arbitrary SFTP servers and effectively provides you with a hard disk of dynamic, infinite capacity that can be accessed from any computer with internet access.S3QL is providing a standard, full featured UNIX file system...

SPARQLWrapper is a SPARQL endpoint interface to Python. It is a wrapper around a SPARQL service. It helps in creating the query URI and, possibly, convert the result into a more manageable format.The SPARQLWrapper package is licensed under W3C...


dbkit 0.2.2

dbkit is a Python library that abstracts away at least part of the pain involved in dealing with DB-API 2 compatible database drivers.from dbkit import connect, queryfrom contextlib import closingimport sqlite3with connect(sqlite3, 'counters.db') as ctx,...


shove 0.5.6

shove is a common object storage frontend that supports dictionary-style access, object serialization and compression, and multiple storage and caching backends.Currently supported storage backends are:* Amazon S3 Web Service* Berkeley Source Database*...


doppler 0.3

doppler is a simple Python tool for managing changes to your database.- doppler is ORM-agnostic- uses raw-SQL scripts as migrations- DBA's can write the scripts, no python knowledge required- gives you complete control over your schemaInstallationInstall...


datastore 0.3.6

datastore is a simple, unified API for multiple data stores.datastore is a generic layer of abstraction for data store and database access. It is a simple API with the aim to enable application development in a datastore-agnostic way, allowing datastores...

MongoMultiMaster is a Python tool which allows you to set up multi-master replication with MongoDB. It is emphatically not supported by 10gen, the makers of MongoDB.It works by querying the oplog on one replica set and applying its operations to...