Collection of 60 C# .NET projects and examples that will make your coding easier and faster. What you will find here is a set of examples for most used methods and components in everyday programming. Save yourself hours of online research and going...

When you write Visual Basic for application code, this add in will do the following: Format the code correctly. Add line numbers. Add error handler. Why its useful. The VBA code is not auto formatting, so it is nice to format it. The line numbers in VBA...

CalendarSXW is a free, license-free, downloadable, client side calendar. It has a sophisticated event model that is very flexible. It makes heavy use of CSS so that it can be completely customized. It also works well within Content Management Systems...

SwanCSharp is a DLL to reference projects in C #, VB or ASP.Net including plenty of classes to facilitate application development programmers, a custom multi-theme GUI interface, and 183 useful functions (handle socket communications, manage databases,...

Open-source Java libraries, supporting generalized smart arrays and matrices with elements of any types (1 bit, 8/16/32/64-bit integers, 32/64-bit floating point values and any other Java types). The libraries contain a wide set of 2D-, 3D- and...

The PrintableCal API is a free library that enables PrintableCal to be extended to support additional calendar template styles and data sources. The API includes the required assemblies, documentation, and examples to help you get started quickly. You can...