
CTMailer 2.21

CTMailer is a mass mailing program designed to make easy work of sending email messages to a list of recipients. The program allows you to send html and text messages. Supports merge technology so that each message out can be personalized with data from...

CTAddress Extractor is designed to extract e-mail addresses and user names from Microsoft Outlook folders to create e-mails list. CTAddress Extractor is very effective and convenient for users which want to have the lists of actual e-mail addresses. This...

An e-mail processing utility that provides an automated way to transfer data from email messages to other applications. MsgParse eliminates typing mistakes and eliminates the need for copy-paste. With MsgParse you extract the data from the e-mail to a...

EPGateway allows you to automate those steps or actions you are performing manually on your inbound messages. EPGateway works by running user defined script (list of commands) againist the messages as they are received. EPGateway allows you to do things...