With PHP RSS Reader, you can now give your users a preview of your RSS feed before they subscribe to it.The script can also be used as a part of a more complex application as well, full on Web-based RSS readers, or just part of a plugin, add-on, or module...


Scotch 0.1.7

Extremely easy to install via the Node.js command line interface, Scotch also includes an installation wizard to help developers setup various blog settings as well.Once everything is up and running, Scotch comes with a very light and minimal...


Tinambo 2.0.0

Because Tinambo is content in only one single file, the entire blogging platform moves and operates incredibly fast.As you can imagine for yourself, storing all content locally in JSON files may not be the best idea, but Tinambo wasn't meant to power news...


esoTalk 1.0.0g4

While a few years back phpBB was the best and most used forum around, this recently changed with Vanilla Forum, a small and innovative forum solution that has been getting all the attention recently.With Vanilla Forum and in some cases bbPress, vBulletin...


MediaGoblin 0.6.1

MediaGoblin is like a social network for publishing multimedia files.Users can register, create profiles, upload media files, and then share them with their friends.MediaGoblin supports a multitude of media file types, from the classic image formats, to...

Images and files will be included into the mail body and will be sent to the recipient(s). MIME mails (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) can be formed of more than just plain text.What's the benefit? Once the recipients got your e-mail, they don't...


Feedbin February 2014

Coded on top of the 4.x branch of Ruby on Rails, Feedbin is a powerful Ruby application that can be used to parse, update, and allow users to view data syndicated via RSS feeds.Feedbin can be a good alternative to Feedly if you plan to move your...