
Miniflux 1.1.8 updated

Capable of totally replacing modern RSS reader services like the defunct Google Reader and the currently successful Feedly, Miniflux is a self-hosted alternative which you can run if you want to put a premium on privacy and security.While still not...


Radpress 0.4.3

Python developers can run their own blog from within a Django installation, forgoing the usage of online blogging platforms or more complicated solutions like WordPress.Comes with an easy system of managing blog posts and pages.All page content is...


CraftedWeb 9/21/14

If you're running your own WoW-like game on top of a TrinityCore emulator, then CraftedWeb is for you.The CMS will help you provide a website for your realm, where users can create accounts and integrate them with their realm characters and...


ocPortal 9.0.19 updated

It is one of the most complete open-source portal systems.What is new in this release:This patch release rounds up bug fixes to issues found within our 9.0.17 security update. What is new in version 9.0.18:This patch release rounds up bug fixes to issues...


Kite 1.0

Kite is made of two parts. The frontend coded in AngularJS which allows the user to read his emails, and the backend, coded in Python, that connects to your local/remote mail server for fetching and sending your messages.Kite was developed mainly for...


CommaFeed 2.3.0 updated

CommaFeed is a Java-based self-hosted solution for running your own RSS reader on your own server infrastructure. Anything users would be able to do with Google Reader is also possible with CommaFeed, but with less clutter and more speed. What is new in...

Tiny Tiny RSS

Tiny Tiny RSS 1.15.3

It was designed to allow users to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible.Features:Allows users to self host their RSS reader Support for RSS, RDF, Atom feeds Uses SimplePie library to parse...


Glint 1.0.0

Glint works by reading one or more RSS feeds and making a list of all the entries it finds.This list is presented chronologically on Glint's homepage, providing a simple news aggregation portal that will get updated automatically without relying on a...

Swift Mailer

Swift Mailer 5.4.1 updated

Swift can be used in sending emails using a custom transport implementation, or ready-made technologies like SMTP, sendmail or postfix.Swift can be deployed with any OOP or non-OOP PHP-based application, allowing developers access to an easy email-sending...


node-email-templates 2.0.1 updated

As its name hints, the 'node-email-templates' module can be used in producing HTML templates used in sending HTML emails.The module produces HTML code with inline styles, a format supported by most email clients for rendering visually beautiful...