A Little Polish Never Hurt Anyone: Evrnet Unit Converter v2.0 was our most successful application to date; bar none. Unit Converter v2.5 aims to build on its past success. At first glance, it doesn't look like drastic changes took place. Well, you may...

If you are an MBA student having Real Estate Finance as one of the major courses, you are familiar to the difficulties in calculating the IRR of mortgage loans. Excel 2003 cannot solve these IRRs, and sometimes provides inaccurate results. Having a...

Calculator is a lightweight and easy to use application designed to help you perform basic mathematical operations, such as additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions. Calculator displays the last performed operations and can calculate...

You can calculate Age from the selected date of birth and Current date. Also duration between two dates can be found out. The age or duration is given in Years, Months and Days format. You can either enter date manually or select from date picker.What is...

Byte Converter is a simple utility to convert numeric units of digital information from one form to another. The supported units are in Decimal and Binary standards and are as follows: Bits, Bytes, Kilo Bytes, Mega Bytes, Giga Bytes, Tera Bytes, Peta...

Simple calculator is a simple application to perform simple calculations. You can perform addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication operations. Enter numbers in both the text boxes and click on the operation you want to...