You can only avoid using APR calculators if you have never taken a loan in your life or don't intend to in the foreseeable future. You are also exempted from using or even coming to close contact with it if you have hired your own personal accountant who...

Ever wish you had a more convenient time calculator? This software is the answer to all of your time related problems. Rather than spending precious time with a day calculator or hour calculator, you can simply calculate time with a few clicks. This great...

You want to buy a car but you aren't sure what can you afford? You feel like you'll die if you have to calculate auto loan on your own ever again, because you fail every time you try? You can stop worrying - we have a perfect solution for your problem. We...

Are you planning to buy a car? Or have your brought a car already? Was it under an auto-loan? Do you have trouble in the computation of the amount due for the month? Worry no more because we bring to you the software that will answer your problems, the...

Percent problems pose a problem for many people who have grown a little rusty on their mathematical skills, or happen to be a "right-brained" people who never really had a great grasp of numbers. In the retail industry, savings are often given in terms of...

With the economy so poor, it is nice to have the ability to pay for your car with a loan. This free car payment calculator will make your life a lot easier as it will prevent you from purchasing out of your price range. All you need to do is plug in the...