Hemag CAD

Hemag CAD 3.410

With HEMAG CAD you can open PDF, DXF, DWG, JPG and most Picture formats for drawing installation and schematics. There are a lot of symbols, specially for European electrical installations, over 500 predefined symbols. Special functions like...

GstarCAD 2020 (32-bit)

GstarCAD 2020 (32-bit) build 191031

GstarCAD is well-known computer-aided design software developed by Gstarsoft company. The company publishes new version and GstarCAD 2020 is the version released in late 2019. GstarCAD 2020 is far ahead in performance, stability, compatibility...

"ESurvey Sections" is a complete Section Creation and Management Solution designed to help engineers, surveyors and designers to create industry standard drawings and to generate instant calculation reports related to Road / Railway lines / Irrigation /...

DoubleCAD XT PRO is a 2D CAD application with advanced features for outstanding drafting and detailing. It also includes powerful 2D design tools for architectural and mechanical use. DoubleCAD XT PRO is designed to minimize switching costs, and protect...


TracTrix 6.0

TracTrix software primarilly enables users to convert raster scans of drawings to editable DWG, DXF and IGES CAD vectors. It also functions as: a 2D/3D viewer; drawing version comparator; DWF to DWG converter, symbol library manager; CAD to PDF and raster...

GoNest Profile is CAD/CAM true shape nesting software for sheet layout, cutting glass, sheet metal layout, cutting optimization. GoNest Profile is a state of the art nesting software for generating optimized layouts and reducing scrap generated by 2...


CorelCAD 2014 updated

CorelCAD makes 2D and 3D drawing accessible. Works with most file extensions, Several useful features and more being added. A little expensive, May take some learning for...

Cheewoo Multi CNC

Cheewoo Multi CNC 2.2.1005.1007

Building 2-Axis high performance CNC for pipe coaster + sheet cutting composite machine to combine this software, Windows OS, PC hardware and TURBO PMAC CLIPPER controller hardware. Controls all axis in the CNC pipe coaster + sheet cutting composite...


LXQ-CAD 2.0.2

LXQ-CAD is a simple tool to generate L Section, X Section drawings commonly used in civil structures L Section or Longitudinal Section is the side elevation taken along the entire length of any structure. The L Section can be generated on LXQ-CAD for...