
MooStars 1.0

The plugin does not record ratings, for this a powerful server-side language is needed. It only powers the star rating system and its animations.A demo is included with the download package.Features:Customize the number of stars Set star height Set star...


a-tools 1.5.2

The plugin works with "textarea" or with "input type=text"They also must be the first element in a list or set of elements.Tested with Opera 9.5 (Windows) and Opera 9.6 (Linux), Mozilla Firefox 3.0 (Windows and Linux), Internet Explorer 7, Chrome 2.0 and...


xlrd 0.8.0

The library is OS independent and can be used from any system.Features:Support for handling dates, and documentation of Excel date problems and how to avoid them. Unicode aware; correctly handles "compressed" Unicode in modern files; decodes...


Quovolver 2.0.2

It takes the content of various blockquotes and shows them one at a time.Testimonials are displayed inside a container, with nice fading transitions between them.If a quote is longer or shorter than the previous, the container size adapts to it.The...

Kerning.js uses CSS 3 rules to transform web text or individual characters. A demo is included with the download package.Features:Kerning Size adjustment Transformations Color changes Font conditionals Pairings Repeats Vendor prefixes Dynamic...