Offline Explorer

Offline Explorer 6.7.3993

Offline Explorer downloads Web, HTTPS and FTP sites (up to 500 simultaneously). You can browse, search, export to CD or perform other operations on downloaded sites using a clear, intuitive and convenient user interface. It allows you to download an...

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exe4j is a Java exe maker that helps to integrate your the applications into Windows operating environment, whether they are service, GUI or command line applications. If the user want his own process name instead of java.exe in the task manager and a...

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Troi URL Plug-in lets you post and retrieve information from the Internet. Troi URL Plug-in can help you fill in web forms on the Internet from FileMaker Pro. It also retrieves data from any HTTP and HTTPS URL. It uses authorization functions, which make...

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SurfOffline is a convenient offline browser with an easy-to-use interface and navigation. It is capable of downloading up to 100 files simultaneously and can save any Web site to your hard drive completely or partially in minutes. Another important...

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KioWare Lite

KioWare Lite 7.3.0

KioWare Lite is kiosk mode software designed to lockdown Windows devices, securing the OS, home screen and browser. This is a demo version with 500 hours of time. To purchase a license visit browser, desktop and OS (Windows) Some...

DNChecker Pro is a powerful Windows based program used to find valuable domain names in Major Search Engines. DNChecker Pro will search and crawl through 8 major search engines and generate all the domains listed associated with the keyword searched. It's...


DebugBar 6.4

The DebugBar is an Internet Explorer toolbar which brings new services to surfers and professionals: Surfers: zoom, direct Web search, e-mail page screenshots, color picker. Developers: view HTML code, cookies, Javascript, HTTP/HTTPS headers, misc infos....