Celebrate the fall harvest, family and the things we're thankful for. We've gathered some great sites into the toolbar from online games and holiday history, to the recipes you'll need to wow the family. Explore the links, enjoy the theme. These themes...

This theme brings 15 beautiful nature photos right to your browser. Easily switch between these scenes without a browser restart - we put a scenery change button right in the theme. To keep these free, we set your default search engine to ASK and Yahoo...

The hottest news site, right in your browser. We call it a Boom and hope you'll call it the best way to get the news you need to know. You'll enjoy: The hottest news pic, right in the browser chrome The latest news right in the news ticker, quick access...

Bring the cool glow of neon to your Firefox browser. Includes a basic theme with cool neon lights running through it, a sidebar that you can open whenever you want for news, videos.What is new in this release:Verion 1.0 has been updated for latest version...