PSP N2O is sound processing modules can be routed in any configuration, allowing for endless musical journeys. PSP N2O, with its new modules and modulation features, explores completely new sonic areas. The plug-in engine has been rewritten and redesigned...

PSP VintageWarmer2 combines rich, warm analog processing with a straightforward user interface, and comes with a comprehensive library of presets. The plug-in processor is flexible and can be used for both softknee compression and brick-wall limiting....

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PSP VintageWarmer2 combines rich, warm analog processing with a straightforward user interface, and comes with a comprehensive library of presets. The plug-in processor is flexible and can be used for both softknee compression and brick-wall limiting....

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SharpEye 2.68.01

Scan music with our highly acclaimed music scanning software SharpEye. You can use SharpEye to scan and convert printed sheet music into a music notation file or a MIDI file which can then be imported into a music notation program or MIDI sequencer. This...

PSP MasterQ

PSP MasterQ 1.5.2

PSP MasterQ is a high quality parametric equalizer designed to operate at sampling rates ranging from 44.1 to 192kHz. The plug-in contains seven filters: 12 or 24 dB/oct low cut and high cut filters, low shelf and high shelf filters, and low mid, middle...

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Drumagog is a drum-replacer plug-in that automatically replaces previously recorded drum tracks with your choice of new samples. It's great for fixing bad drum tracks or for breathing new life into existing tracks. Drumagog works with any VST, RTAS or...

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