RadioSHARK 2.0.2

The radio airwaves will never be safe again. The RadioSHARK adds an AM/FM radio to any Mac or PC but thats just the beginning. The RadioSHARK can record any AM or FM radio broadcast in real time. You can also program it to record a scheduled show, or to...

Using TunePrompter is easy. Download and install Griffin iKaraoke Tune Prompter Open TunePrompter Load your favorite song Type your lyrics in or let TunePrompter help you find them Tap your spacebar along with the music to teach TunePrompter ... and...

Final Vinyl

Final Vinyl 2.5.1

Audio application that allows users to easily record their collection of old vinyl records using just the Griffin iMic and their turntable. Previously users wishing to record their old record collection had to hook up their entire stereo system just to...