upper cap

upper cap 3.0.0u

what is it? upper cap is a small, elegant color effect plugin that simply caps intensity of a color channel (red, green, blue). you can control each channel individually. whenever a channel's value exceeds the cap value, it will be re-set to the cap...

lower cap

lower cap 3.0.0u

what is it? lower cap is a color effect plugin that simply ensures that every channel (red, green, blue) in a pixel has a minimum value. you can control each channel individually. whenever a channel's value is below the cap value, it will be re-set to...

b/w gradual

b/w gradual 3.0.0

remember the "black & white" plug? the one that actually turns your clip into grayscale (if you want to really get a b/w clip, use our "hard contrast" plug with black and white settings)? well, this plug-in is similar, but cooler. Imagine that a grayscale...

this little plug can produce some neat effects. what it does is very simple: it scans the frame for hard contrast, and when it finds it, marks it in a certain color. this alone can be used for some cool contrast enhancements, but is only half the magic....


crop 3.0.0

This is a simple, yet effective iMovie plug-in to cut your clip to size. Since a plug-in can't alter the size of a clip (a limitation from iMovie), those parts of the clip that you cut off are set to a color of your choosing.and since all our plug-ins are...

negate color

negate color 3.0.0

this iMovie plug-in lets you selectively invert any color channel (red, green, or blue). if you invert all channels, the result would look like a color negative film. if you invert only some channels, the result simply looks strange. unlike most other...

simple zoom

simple zoom 3.0.0u

simple zoom is an iMovie plug-in that mimics the effect of a zoom lens. you can use it to enlarge portions of a clip. the clip is enlarged so that the are you focus on fills the entire screen. the plug-in allows you to choose animated cue in and cue out...