
Formstack 0.0.1

Formstack is a service for quickly building Web forms online, with no coding required, using a simple interface. The service can be used by simple users or companies alike.The Formstack library allows a Ruby developer to interact with a Formstack account...


BBC 0.0.2

For now, the library works with the BBC Radio service API.It can be used to retrieve information about:- radio shows- music artists- reviews- currently playing items, and a few other moreRequirements:BBC API credentials Limitations:Still under heavy...


Knicker 2.0.1

It wraps all API calls with Java methods, retrieving arrays of standard Java objects with the results.Via the API, the user can get data about words, while also creating and managing word lists.Knicker can be used to add dictionary lookup capabilities to...

The script allows to use Google Maps without the overhead of using a complicated big JavaScript library.Features:Ability to map both addresses and coordinates at the same time. Combats the 620 (too many requests) geocoding error by passing each address to...

Also known as "tweets", these 140 characters of text are retrieved, parsed, analyzed, pieces of text are extracted, auto-linked and passed to other processes for other operations.Features:Autolink: Add links to all matching Twitter usernames (no account...

It allows developers to embed Google Street View interactive maps on their web pages.Just define the desired city, and the plugin will handle the API calls, retrieving the object and embedding in on the page.Requirements:JavaScript enabled on client...


FacebookBot 0.2.1

These bots can automate profiles on the site, performing simple day-to-day boring tasks.Features:Posting Profile Pictures Tagging Pictures Changing the Status Posting Wall Comments Changing Personal Profile Information A system for generating random...