Mario Sunshine is a new adaptation of Super Mario Bros but now in 3D. MarioCity fans created a small fangame in 3-dimensional world. Now you can in Super Mario Bros walk and run in all directions. Graphics was optimized to all slow computers without 3D...

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Do you likes Metroid Fangames created bz amateur game creators? Or do you like free metroid game remakes? Is answer is correct this game should give you a nice playing time. The game idea is a little bit similiar to the Alien Breed game from Amiga...

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The Metroids - we'd like to introduce you a newly created free Metroid fangame created by new amateur game development team. As any other Metroid fangame relased by Mario City this propably is the most advanced in graphics and platform movement. Your main...

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Metroid Wiki - this is a compilation of logic and platform game based on Metroid game realm. Your main objective is to answer for the questions based on weapons, worlds, enemies, aliens, the metroid kinds and other things similiar to the metroid games...

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