A3dsViewer - Free, fast and simple 3DS file viewer. Features: Converts 3DS files to tHTML5 (webgl, three.js) format. Allows easy way to publish 3ds models on Google Drive and review in the web browser. Possibility to integrate exported html5 pages...


AddCAD 2012

Switching to 3D design is a change in capability that many Professionals strive for but in many cases without success. Apart from the traditional costs of switching to a "pure" 3D CAD solution, it inevitably involves a complete change to your proven...

Nem's Mega 3D Terrain Generator is a relatively new terrain generator that takes a step in a completely different direction. Unlike traditional generators where the user must depend solely on the generators generation abilities, this generator gives its...

ilib diverse creates virtual drug-like compound libraries using a heuristic fragment combination approach. ilib diverse is intuitive to use, and offers a lot more than the essential features for virtual library generation. Compounds are built by...

MeshMolder version 3.0 is a digital sculpting software that works like a clay, adding and removing parts where desired by controlling the thickness and radius of coverage and thus creating the final form. The software is completely in Beta functional and...

Spriteworks3D is the next generation 3D sprite/object library and includes a variety of 3D objects including rooms, terrain, scenes and props which can be incorporated into PC, Java, Flash or multimedia games and also used in 3D world environments, VRML...