
sweet.js 0.7.4

Advanced programming languages like Scheme, Scala, Racket and Rust have support for macros, a way to run a series of instructions or source via a simple command/statement.This library adds the same functionality to JavaScript, a scripting language where...


Theory 0.2.8

Theory allows developers to write JavaScript syntax that can run on both servers and browsers, without having to worry about platform specific syntax (notably Node.js syntax is different from vanilla JS syntax).Along with Theory, better dependency...


TypeScript 2.0.3 updated

TypeScript adds types, classes and modules to JavaScript, making JS a real alternative to established large-scale programming languages like Ruby, Python, C# or Java. It's similar to CoffeeScript, being a superset of JavaScript that in the end compiles...


UFL 1.4.0

The Unified Form Language (UFL) is a domain specific language for declaration of finite element discretizations of variational forms.It defines a flexible interface for choosing finite element spaces and defining expressions for weak forms using a...


withrestart 0.2.7

The 'withrestart' module allows for errors to occur without being fatal to the execution process.This is done via a 'restart' function that allows code execution to start over or continue from its break point.Using something like 'withrestart' in Python...


Zephir 0.8.0 updated

Zephir stands for Ze(nd Engine) Ph(p) I(nt)r(mediate).With Zephir, developers can create extensions for PHP running under the Zend Engine.Zephir allows them to build these PHP extensions in C, which when used in production environments are much faster and...