
geostats 1.5.0 updated

geostats can be used to analyze numerical data, classify it and use it for basic statistical operations. The library can tell if a number is inside a certain interval, is unique in its series, supports the Jenks optimization method and can handle...


GMOD 1.69

GMOD is the Generic Model Organism Database project, a collection of open source software tools for creating and managing genome-scale biological databases. Such databases contain information about the genomes and biology of laboratory organisms.It can be...


gmp.js 1.0

gmp.js is actually a port to JavaScript of the GMP precision arithmetic C library.It was ported using the Emscripten LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler.Because it was actually ported and not translated, gmp.js works like the original library, with extremely...


Gobot 0.9.0 updated

Gobot allows developers to write applications that control physical hardware via Google's Go language.Gobot supports common I/O drivers and a few major hardware platforms as well.This enables programmers to start writing their code and run it without any...

heimcontrol.js allows developers to create Web pages/apps for controlling various electronic devices and their settings.The heimcontrol.js library is the next step when it comes to taking JavaScript out of the browser and to the home place...

jQuery Combine allows developers to perform operations like union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference on JavaScript objects.This means complex JavaScript arrays can be added or intersected for usage in advanced mathematical...


JSHint 2.9.1 updated

It checks user inputted JavaScript code against standards and returns the result, with hints and tips.What is new in this release:Added more tests for extends config option Added xdescribe to list of jasmine vars Added missing options for unused Replace...



The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) is an XML-based description language for representing computational models in systems biology and bio-informatics.KEGG2SBML's capabilities are currently limited to converting only KEGG Metabolic Pathway files and...


Latinum 0.7.1 updated

The library includes support for working with decimal places, properly formatting currency values, performing currency conversions, handle exchange rates, and many other more. Besides the aforementioned financial operations, Latinum also supports an...


Math.js 2.6.0 updated

Math.js works with client-side (browsers) and server-side (Node.js) environments. Math.js does not aim to replace the built-in JavaScript support, only to extend it. It adds support for features natively unsupported in JavaScript, like ranges, constants,...