SDOM 0.5.1

SDOM is an attempt to provide a complete implementation of the W3C Document Object Model level 3 API, including event handling, in Scheme, as an extension of the SXML API.SDOM holds to SXML's conventions regarding the representation of structured XML as...



DataTree is a DSL for creating structured documents in Python inspired by Rubys Builder, but supporting many structured output formats.Example:A small example:        from datatree import Node    author =...


magictree 1.0.0

magictree is a Python module to easily create ElementTree with automatic Element factories.Developer commentsCreating tree structures like those used for HTML and XML should be dead easy. The xml.etree.ElementTree library goes quite far in creating a...

document_it renders markdown() syntax to HTML and uploads it to the Mozilla Developer Network.It is run by:    document-it [options] manifest [manifest] [...]See `document-it --help` for options.  It will render to a local temporary...


Creoleparser 0.7.4

Creoleparser is a Python module for converting Creole wiki markup for output on the web. It is a full implementation of the Creole 1.0 specification and aims to follow the spec exactly.What is Creole?From Creole is a common wiki...

rst2slides is a Python tool that generates an HTML5 slideshow document from standalone reStructuredText source.Usage: rst2slides slides.rst slides.htmlCreditsIt uses Rob Flaherty's Lightweight HTML5 Slideshow as template, and the most of Bruno...

html-tree-diff offers structure aware diff of XML and HTML documents.The intended use is to concisely show the edits that have been made in a document, so that authors of html content can review their work.What do we mean by "HTML Tree Diff"? * HTML:...