WP Club Manager

WP Club Manager 1.2.20 updated

WP Club Manager is a fantastic tool to have around if you're the webmaster of a sports-related website.This plugin provides a beautiful and intuitive interface for adding details about one or more teams, manage the team's roster, its staff, add details...

Contact Form

Contact Form 3.96 updated

The Contact Form WordPress plugin also includes a settings panel where various plugin options can be tweaked. The plugin's shortcode is: [bestwebsoft_contact_form] Contact Form is available in two versions. One free, and one under a commercial...

WP Retina 2x

WP Retina 2x 3.3.6 updated

WP Retina 2x is a WordPress plugin that can take any image in the Media Library and generate a Retina version for it, if possible.A special page is added under the 'Media' WP backend tab where admins can debug problematic images.WP Retina 2x is WordPress...


church_admin 0.839 updated

Can be used by church admins and priests alike, keeping track of attendance, send emails, send SMS messages and much more.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in...

Count per Day

Count per Day 3.4.1 updated

A page read is content only one time per IP every day in order to keep accuracy.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.What is new in this release:Security...


MaxButtons 3.14 updated

The plugin is perfect for creating glitzy and eye catching call-to-action buttons.To use MaxButtons, go to the WP admin panel under the "Buttons" options and build your own buttons using a starting template.Users have access to a plethora of customizable...

Reusable Text Blocks

Reusable Text Blocks 1.4.8 updated

The 'Reusable Text Blocks' plugin works by managing an inventory of commonly used text blocks and expressions on a WP-powered website.It organizes text blocks as a custom post type in the WP taxonomy and generates an individually unique shortcode for...

The plugin works out of the box. Just install and activate, and all images embedded in posts or pages will automatically expand using a lightbox window when users click on them.While there are plenty of similar modal windowing scripts on the WordPress...


Shareaholic updated

It uses big and colorful icons to help users promote blog articles on different social networks.The plugin adds a social sharing bar under posts or pages, which visitors can use to share a link of the article on their favorite social...

The results in the database are aged off based on customizable settings so that once the longtail keywords have been boosted they will fall off the list and give way for other searches.This plugin and its methods can help to increase traffic to a blog via...