OpenEXR 1.0

Free and Advanced Image-Editing Software for Personal Use. Absolutely free to download and install., Countless tools utilised by professional image editors.,. Not appropriate for novices in image editing., Last update occurred in...

Visual AMP

Visual AMP 4.7 updated

1.Visual AMP is a enterprise PHP integration environment, graphical user interface, quickly switch PHP versions, and convenient system tray menu, Windows systems a full range of support, a comprehensive collection of software and free updates of each...

Web Site Maestro speeds up your site by optimizing both HTML and script code of your Web pages and optimizing your JPEG and PNG images. It leaves your original files untouched. You should use your original Web folder for editing and use the duplicate Web...


XAMPP 7.1.24 updated

Many people know from their own experience that it's not easy to install an Apache web server and it gets harder if you want to add MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is...

EzyPage Industrial

EzyPage Industrial 20 updated

EzyPage is a true what you see is what you get PDF, ebook and website design tool that allows you to create up to 600 pages all at the same time, simply by dragging and dropping each object onto the page layout using a number of scale measurements. All...