Add favorites - add your favorite folders to your desktop wallpaper and switch to any one of these folders at any time you choose. Preview each picture - while in the slide show, you can preview each individual picture by simply clicking the left mouse...

The Undersea World Aquarium animated desktop wallpaper will turns your monitor from old fashion still image background into a deep blue mesmerizing and breathtaking ocean full of sea creatures swimming around including Butterfly fish, Dolphins, Jelly...

The Sea Turtle Aquarium animated desktop wallpaper will turns your monitor from old fashion still image background into a deep blue mesmerizing and breathtaking ocean full of babies' sea turtles swimming around with Great White shark and Marlin, Star...

Niagara Falls III animated desktop wallpaper with Bald Eagle, Seagulls, butterflies, and birds. Enjoy Niagara Falls front view with steamy powerful waterfall with flying butterflies, Bald Eagle, Seagulls and birds right on your...