
Vows 0.8.1 / 0.9.0-rc3 updated

It adds asynchronous BDD & continuous integration features for the Node.js server-side JavaScript library. Vows was built from the ground up to test asynchronous code.It executes your tests in parallel when it makes sense, and sequentially when there are...


Karma 0.13.21 updated

Karma was developed to help programmers test JavaScript code before shipping out to production environments. It not only tests the code locally, but simulates its behavior in a multitude of browsers and environments. Karma is the continuation of a similar...

PMD Code Analyzer

PMD Code Analyzer 5.5.0 updated

PMD can be utilized in finding possible bugs,  duplicate code, unused variables and methods. It can also identify badly performing code blocks, unnecessary "if" statements, wrongfully expressed "for" loops (that could be rewritten as "while" loops),...


TestBox 2.1.0

TestBox follows the classic guidelines of the xUnit testing framework, allowing developers to easily write tests for their code using a clean, simple syntax.Besides the all-present runner, assertions and expectations support, TestBox also comes with...


PhantomJS 2.0.0

A headless browser is a browser without a GUI, used by developers mainly for testing purposes, to simulate the presence of a browser, in this case the WebKit engine.A headless browser like PhantomJS can access Web pages without actually showing them to...


PHPMD 2.3.2 updated

Developed on top of PHP_Depend, it is a port of Java's PMD tool, a class which scans Java source code and looks for potential problems. When scanning PHP source, PHPMD looks for possible bugs, suboptimal code, overcomplicated expressions and unused...


PHP_CodeSniffer 2.3.3 updated

PHP_CodeSniffer is available as a PEAR package. Under the hood, it works by tokenising PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and checking it against a defined set of coding standards.PHP_CodeSniffer is one of the best test tools during development because it...


Flog 4.3.2

Code is tested and scored, if the score will be high, than the harder it will be to run.Flog essentially scores an ABC metric: Assignments, Branches, Calls, with particular attention placed on calls.What is new in this release:Added --extended / -e to put...


PHPUnit 5.3.2 updated

PHPUnit is considered a de-facto standard for unit testing PHP code. The framework returns results in an easy readable format. They (the results) are properly formatted for quick analysis and easy navigation.What is new in this release:New PHAR release...