
Sumo updated

SUMo stands for software update monitor. With SUMo you'll be able to keep your PC up-to-date by using the most recent version of your favorite software. Unlike build-in auto update features, SUMo tells you if updates are available before you need to use...

Automation Anywhere is an intelligent automation software for IT and business processes. Automate and schedule complex tasks in minutes, without any programming. Record keyboard and mouse or create automation scripts with drag and drop actions. Automation...

The software is an automation launcher for scheduling of multiple events to shutdown, hibernate, or sleep your computer based upon triggers of time, a countdown of time, busy or idle CPU, heat, and with mobile computers battery charge. The software is...

New, better, more options, and this software is freeware; so it is free. This software is the handiest, newest software to help you automate shutdowns, countdowns, restarts, hibernate, sleeps, power on, power off, log off, locks, turning off the monitor...


vmCLIpboard 2014 Release 3.1

vmCLIpboard aids VMware power users and administrators in building, managing and automating the execution of VMware CLI (Command Line Interface) commands with an easy to use GUI (Graphical User Interface) that runs natively on Windows, OS X and...


vmProcessStrobe 2014 Release 3.1

vmProcessStrobe enables VMware power users and administrators to view, stop and run processes in virtual machines with an easy to use GUI (Graphical User Interface) that runs natively on Windows, OS X and Linux. In addition to the list of running...

AIDA64 Extreme

AIDA64 Extreme 6.25.5400 updated

AIDA64 Extreme is a streamlined Windows diagnostic and benchmarking software for home users. AIDA64 Extreme provides a wide range of features to assist in overclocking, hardware error diagnosis, stress testing, and sensor monitoring. It has...

AIDA64 Engineer

AIDA64 Engineer 5.99.4900 updated

AIDA64 Engineer is a streamlined Windows diagnostic and benchmarking software for engineers. AIDA64 Engineer provides a wide range of features to assist in overclocking, hardware error diagnosis, stress testing, and sensor monitoring. It has...