VB Documentation Tool is a source code documentor utility for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. The VB Documentation Tool extracts content from Visual Basic 6.0 source code files. It supports the main Visual Basic file types like forms, modules (.bas), class...

The Website Utility examines Websites for errors and other issues using a built in Web crawling engine. Errors checked for include broken or moved hyperlinks, missing page titles and missing meta tags. It also generates HTML for use in creating Website...

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The .NET Documentation Tool creates comprehensive technical documentation from Microsoft .NET Framework application source code. It has the benefits of huge time savings compared to writing documentation manually, xtracts XML comments from source code and...

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MySQL Documentation Tool creates comprehensive technical documentation for MySQL databases. Reports are created in HTML, Microsoft's HTML Help, RTF, and plain text formats. The HTML format documentation can be viewed in any web browser. The HTML Help...