WP Spry Menu

WP Spry Menu 1.5.2

The script uses the Spry JavaScript library to animate all the menu graphics.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.Features:For new feature, see...


tTooltip 2.0

tTooltip is a perfect tooltip UI package for jQuery developers, working out of the box, and even supporting Twitters new front-end UI framework, Bootstrap.It comes with plenty of features and examples, to help developers quickly get going on their own...

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jPushMenu 1.1.1

jPushMenu can be used as a way to include large menus on the page, without actually ruining the page layout with extra content.The menu is hidden at page load and can easily be triggered with the use of a button. The same button can be used to close it...

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Easy Table

Easy Table 1.5.2

Adding tables in WordPress posts and pages can be a little difficult if the person doing it has no HTML knowledge.Easy Table does not completely redefine the editing experience, but alleviates some of the pain of dealing with the complicated table HTML...