XML2RSS works by taking a local XML file containing a series of items and converting them to an RSS feed which can be added to any desktop or Web-based feed reader.If new items are added to the XML file, they'll also be available in the RSS feed, allowing...

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Slide Panel

Slide Panel 0.0.1

Slide Panel is an open source jQuery plugin that can be used in powering a toggling mechanism.This mechanism can be shaped in multiple forms, from simple toggle buttons to accordion widgets, sliding panels and "no-spoiler" systems.The plugin uses a...

fullscreen.js is a wrapper around the new JavaScript Fullscreen API added in all browsers that let developers enter or leave the fullscreen view.The library is nothing more than a collection of three JS functions, one for entering fullscreen mode, one for...

Fluid Gallery works by taking a collection of photos and resizing them at the width of their parent container.It then arranges them one under the other, letting users scroll up and down and view them as a vertical photo slider.The plugin works with images...


CharCycle 0.0.1

CharCycle lets developers animate text on their page when hovered or clicked.The effect is a reshuffling of the text's letters, with the original characters falling back in place after a short period of time.Customizable parameters include the shuffling...


AutoScroll 0.2.0

AutoScroll works by letting the user scroll an overflowing container using the mouse cursor.The entire process is quite simple and is inspired from older Flash scrollers.As the user hovers the element at its top, the list is scrolled up. When the user...