Roman Theme

Roman Theme 1.0.1

Roman Theme Round we go After many simple and clean designs I stumbled over an idea for rounded corners. It was so attractive and easy I started to work on a new theme: roman. The rounded corners aren't built using images, so you can easily adjust the...

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Usine Theme

Usine Theme 3.0.3

The idea behind this theme was to get all that beautiful possibilities of semi-transparent layers overlaying nice pictures working cross-browser. Most of such effects are done using PNG images, which needs some hacks for IE/Win. Usine don't. Choose your...

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A kind of three column layout: navigation - content - sidebar. The gothic theme comes with preexisting background images to enrich your site. But it is also very easy to include your own images: you can use the included image admin utility to place the...

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This theme of RapidIdeas uses a really cool css feature: transparency. It is not built with png files which only works in IE/Win with some javascript hacks. Also the navbar is fixed on top of the page and will not scroll. So your website visitors allways...

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Camilo Theme

Camilo Theme 3.1.2

The camilo theme is a classic but unusual theme for RapidWeaver. This theme really goes to the edge of RapidWeaver Theme Design. It is so special that many people simply can't believe sites with this theme are built with RapidWeaver. Sure you will also...