Simple Forum PHP benefits from a wide range of features (listed below) allowing webmasters to setup a simple way for users to communicate with each other in an orderly fashion.Along with the classical, must-have administration panel, Simple Forum PHP also...

Webmasters can use FAQ Script PHP to embed a section on their sites where answers to basic questions can be read.FAQ Script PHP allows the administrators to add a question, add the answer and classify it in a category.What FAQ Script PHP doesn't do is to...

Simple CMS PHP uses an unique system for building websites.While it provides an installation wizard to help webmasters setup the CMS core and an administration panel to create, edit and delete pages, the way it publishes them is different from other CMS...

Contact Form PHP is not a data collector. It uses a MySQL database not to store messages, but to store the contact form's settings.When a user fills in the form and sends it, the data is processed by Contact Form PHP and sent to a desired email...

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Funeral Script PHP is a pretty niche script. While anyone can install it, it's more wisely used by professionals working in this domain.Of course, if you know your way around PHP, you can easily hack Funeral Script PHP into a simple persons & information...

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Event Script PHP takes a list of upcoming events and lists them on the page using a vertical, blog-like layout.Clicking on an event will show a dedicated page, with more details about its location, time, price, etc..Event Script PHP is easy to use, coming...

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Event Calendar PHP can be used by one single person or entire organizations the same.It allows a webmaster to easily install and setup an event management application that will enable him to add multiple calendars and events, publish them locally or on...

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GuestBook Script PHP

GuestBook Script PHP 1.8 updated

GuestBook Script PHP uses a simple form to gather user feedback and then displays all user comments using a vertical list format.You can find simple layout used today on most guestbook or commenting systems on the Internet, mostly because of its high...

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