pd-DesktopTV is a small Desktop TV that you can have on your computer. It has three channels with six tunes per channel. It will place an icon on your desktop if you choose. You can also place an uninstall icon in the start button or program directory....

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pd-TinyCalc is a stand alone desktop Calculator (previously called dbd-TinyCalc). It is a small calculator that takes up far less room on your desktop. It can be used by the mouse or by the numbers keys. It even has sounds so you can hear if you hit the...

pd-TimeStatus3 is a project clock. It was designed to keep up with the time you spend on a project. A running clock to keep total of the time spent doing something can come in very useful. From seeing how long you have spent on creating a project, or to...

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pd-Base 2.4.2

pd-Base is an address book program with a much nicer user interface than normal. Also included is a Personal info page, to keep up with any personal information you might want to save. The program requires a password of 1234 which can be changed by going...

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Pd-Halloween is not for the squeamish. The tunes have been known to attract ghouls and goblins. You can watch with a friend. Have your lights on and your escape route planned. We are not responsible if you get frightened and scream or cry. We recommend...

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pd-RecipeBook has 14 categories. Each category has it's own database able to hold thousands of recipes. It comes with a search feature that will find any word in any database, and you can print any recipe. You can add, delete, or edit any recipe plus...

pd-StarGateSG1 plays the StarGate theme and the end theme plus more. pd-StarGateSG1 is a program that gives the name of all the shws in their correct order and gives a summery of each show. It shows thumbnail pictures as well as all the programs names,...

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pd-CodeKeeper is designed to keep up with all your passwords or passcodes in a simple text file encrypted on your hard drive. It encrypt all of your code and personal information. The size of the text file for codes is only limited to your hard drive...