Start multiple slide shows on the same monitor simultaneously. Each slide show has a keyboard shortcut associated with it. Switch between slide shows using the keyboard shortcuts. The keyboard shortcuts can be customized. Slide design view stays in-sync...

View the slide show on a monitor while you continue working on something else on another monitor. View different presentations on different monitors. Run slide shows on remote machines. Control them remotely. Click here to know how. Run multiple shows...

AutoDateTime extends PowerPoint to allow you to insert the current date and time and it keeps the inserted date and time up-to-date with the current system date/time. Customize the date and time display in a variety of formats. Configure AutoDateTime to...


TrackShow 2.0

TrackShow provides you browser-style Back, Forward and History features for your slide show. This enables you to navigate your slide show non-linearly and still go back and forth in the non-linear way. TrackShow works with Microsoft PowerPoint 2010...

View different slide shows on different monitors as screen savers. Allows you to use all PowerPoint features like animations, transitions, video embedding and other features as screen saver. Enable keyboard interactivity for slide shows while in screen...

With Volume Control you can set the volume for slides - different volume level on different slides, set different mute settings for slides, create volume controller on the slide to control the volume during shows, create mute controller on the slide to...