
Missis 2.0.1

The program is intended for conducting the family budget, allows to conduct family charges and to plan purchases at visiting shop. Features include: Multilanguage interface, edit interface, report of charges, and report of forthcoming...



This library allows user to extend possibilities of programming of Visual Dialog Script language firm S.A.D.E. ver. 5.X or high: Grid, Element of date, Graph, EditBox etc. The library works through ODBC driver. This library allows you to create complex...

For library allows to take into account the books or other things in a library or other private stuff collection. Using this program you will get a reliable accounting of your library. You can look through things history and find out who was using it...

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SQL Editor

SQL Editor 25.4.62

The program allows you to create SQL queries. Automatically fill in a SQL queries. Converting syntax of SQL queries (Server-MDB). Externally used SQL queries editor with highlighted syntax. Open a database, start to write SQL inquiry. To see all tables in...


Kitchen 3.07

Easy to use program that lets you create and print menus for restaurants, canteens and cafes. Implemented in the program features: Local and network connect to database. Multilanguages program. Metering products. Creating a menu. Automatic debit...