
Postfix 3.3.1 updated

Postfix is an open source and free command-line software project implemented in C and designed from the ground up to act as a mailer server for GNU/Linux and UNIX-like operating systems. It is engineered as a Sendmail alternative. Offers attractive junk...


EasyNAS 0.5.9 updated

EasyNAS is yet another open source Linux distribution that allows users to easily and quickly deploy a capable and full featured Network-attached storage server with much hassle. It is based on the well known openSUSE operating system and built with the...


uxubos 2015.08.26 updated

uxubos is an open source, featureful, free and modern computer operating system derived from the well-known Xubuntu Linux distribution and built around the lightweight Xfce desktop environment. It supports the English, Spanish, German and Brazilian...


OpenPCTV 1.1 Beta 9

OpenPCTV is an open source and freely distribute GNU/Linux operating system derived from the Ubuntu Linux distribution and designed from the groundup to act as a media center and video recording solution for your home entertainment needs.In order to...


TXR 109 updated

TXR is an open source command-line and multi-platform command-line software written in the C and Lisp programming language, using Flex and Bison to provide developers with a new data munging programming language. The software can also act as a text...

Open Tax Solver

Open Tax Solver 13.05 updated

Open Tax Solver (OTS) is an open source, easy-to-use, cross-platform, simple and free graphical software implemented in C and designed from the offset to be used for calculating Tax Form entries, refund-due, as well as tax-owed for State or Federal...

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XOWA updated

XOWA is an open source graphical software that allows you to easily and quickly find, read and edit various Wikipedia sources, such as Wikipedia, Wikisource, Wiktionary, Wikiquote or Wikivoyage. Features at a glance Key features include compatibility with...

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Poedit 1.8.4 updated

Poedit is an open source, free and multiplatform graphical software that has been designed from the ground up to allow users to easily and quickly edit .po files, also known as gettext catalogs. In other words, this application aims to be a graphical...

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ownCloud 10.0.9 updated

ownCloud is an open source and universal cloud storage server that can be customized and deployed on your own server in no time. It provides home users and small or medium businesses alike with the best solution for a complete cloud storage server. Access...

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JPPF 5.1.3 updated

JPPF is an open source, freely distributed and multiplatform Grid Computing platform designed from the offset to makes it easy to run applications in parallel, as well as to speed up their execution by orders of magnitude. Features at a glance With this...