Files Info Generator is a simple to use command line tool to generate a text files containing detailed information on the files inside a folder. It can be executed on all the files inside a folder, for a group of files based on wildcards or for a...

Did you ever wanted to search for a file in more than one path? You can run a few searches, one for each path or you can search the all drive. And what if you want to exclude a phrase from the search but not exclude it from sub folders search? Not...

Windows 7 Little Tweaker is a small and simple to use utility that let you easily activate a few useful extras for Microsoft's new OS, Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit. Windows 7 Little Tweaker is a Windows 7 only portable application and will not run on any...

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There are a lot of excellent free Windows comprehensive repairing and fixing tools around the internet. But there are times when you want just one quick fix for example when you are under a virus attack and you just want to enable the Task Manager or...

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When Microsoft Windows OS starts, it can auto load programs from different locations. Startup Discoverer will list for you this programs and the source quickly by categories or as one list, it then can be saved as a text file or printed. Startup...

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Application Paths are registry Keys and values that are made for that issue, when you type a command on the Run dialog, Windows is searching the search path and the registry keys of Application Path to find the actual location of the program and execute...

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There are a lot of reasons why we need sometimes to create a virtual drive that is pointing to an existing folder on a local drive. There are some annoying applications that insist on being installed to a specific drive or to the root of a drive,...

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Registry Live Watch is a free, lightweight and portable tool to monitor activity on a registry key. The tool can run minimized at the system tray (notification area) and monitor a registry key (also sub keys and vlues) for different kind of changes....

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CTG is a none visible program that is running minimized at the system tray and can be seen by the G (Google) icon. When CTG is running at the system tray you can start using it: from any program or application, mark a desired text, press CTRL+C and then...