Learn Visual Basic .NET is a ten-week course covering object-oriented programming concepts, the Visual Basic .NET integrated development environment, building and distributing applications (using the new Common Language Run-Time), error handling, file...

Kid's Typing Skills enables you to learn keyboarding, or typing. It teaches you important knowledge about the keyboard, how to match your fingers to the correct keys, and allows you to practice with keyboard drills, character drills, and word drills. With...

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Visual Basic Database Projects contains three programs you can use at home. The programs illustrate advanced uses of Visual Basic with databases. Topics covered include using the data access object (DAO), ActiveX data object (ADO), data bound controls,...

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Fun Visual Basic Projects contains six programs you can use for extended learning. The programs illustrate advanced uses of Visual Basic. Topics covered include using the Windows API for timing and sounds, input validation, printing, using multiple forms,...

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This is an introduction for kids to computer programming that provides an interactive, self-paced tutorial to Java. Java for Kids is a tutorial consisting of 10 chapters explaining (in simple, easy-to-follow terms) how to build a Java application....

LEARN JAVA (GUI APPLICATIONS) is a self-study tutorial teaching the basics of building a Java application with a graphic user interface (GUI). LEARN JAVA (GUI APPLICATIONS) has 9 lessons covering object-oriented programming concepts, using a integrated...