How to create a PyRM environment~$ virtualenv pyrm_env~$ cd pyrm_env/bin/~/pyrm_env/bin$ source activate(pyrm_env)~/pyrm_env/bin$ ./pip install --verbose django-reversion(pyrm_env)~/pyrm_env/bin$ ./pip install --verbose xhtml2pdf(pyrm_env)~/pyrm_env/bin$...

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PyLucid project is a lightweight, OpenSource ( GPL 2.x or newer ) content management system ( CMS ) written in pure Python CGI.Nearly all output can be customized. No shell account is needed. To run PyLucid you need a standard Webserver with Python (at...

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django-kippo is a Django app for the SSH Honeypot called kippo.It's a simple django app thats access to the MySQL data of kippo. You can browse to them in the django admin panel.testThere exists a test project for easy startup. Read:...

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django-phpBB3 provides the database models of a existing phpBB3 installation for easy migration into a other forum software. It's not a phpBB clone or a forum!Warning: In the current state, it's not guaranteed that changes trough the django admin will...

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django-tools 0.25.0

django-tools is a plugin with miscellaneous tools for Django.Installation:You can easy install it with:easy_install django-toolsWhat is new in this release:SmoothCacheBackends API changed: The cache.clear() method will really clear the cache, as the...

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django-dbpreferences is a plugin for the Django web framework that allows you to store some app preferences into the database.A django app defines a form with initial values. The form cleaned data dict would be stored serialized into the database. The app...

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django-sync-server is a reusable Django app which implements a Mozilla Labs Weave server for Django.What is weave?Firefox Sync (formerly Mozilla Labs Weave Browser Sync) is a free browser add-on from Mozilla Labs that keeps your bookmarks, saved...

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django-reversion-compare is a Django app, an extension to django-reversion that provides a history compare view to compare two versions of a model which is under reversion.Comparing model versions is not a easy task. Maybe there are different view how...

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Creole is a lightweight markup language for formatting wiki text, aimed at being a common markup language for wikis, enabling and simplifying the transfer of content between different wiki engines.No external libraries are needed.Features:cursor-pointer"...

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django-processinfo is an experimental Django app to collect information about the running server processes.This only works, if /proc/$$/status exists. So only on only on unix/linux like platforms.What is it not:- track user actions- collect infos which...

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