
Teeble 0.3.15

Teeble can help any programmer acquainted with Backbone.js improve the interface of his HTML tables.While this might seem a great idea, Teeble must be used only with large to huge table data, where something like this can speed up and ease navigation...


Select 1.1.0 updated

Drop-down select fields are notoriously extremely difficult to customize.They usually require the developer to use complex jQuery plugins that use complicated form masking techniques to append custom styles to a drop-down field, and even when they do this...


Tooltip 1.1.0 updated

Utilizing the powerful Tether positioning library, the unimaginatively named Tooltip library is a powerful, cross-browser tested, and easy to use library for producing UI tooltips.JS is used to control tooltip behavior, and CSS for the tooltips interface....


Sortable 0.8.0 updated

When adding Sortable to a table, the table's header automatically is enhanced, by adding the possibility to click on it to sort the data inside the clicked column ascending or descending.When sorting the data, the entire row is moved in the table, not...


Bucky 0.2.8 / 0.5.0 updated

When you say performance, most webmasters automatically think of a server.As an apology for automatic train of thought, we must say that for many years this was true, mainly because a website or online service relied on the server mainly to run.In recent...

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Messenger 1.4.2 updated

Messenger is the ideal user notification system for a Web page, using jQuery, CSS and AJAX to show a small message after each of the user's actions.Examples and usage instructions are included with the download package.What is new in this release:Allow...


Offline.js 0.7.14 updated

Offilne.js was modeled after the alert system in Gmail that warns users of their lost Internet connection. The library aims to provide a system to constantly scan the user's connection status and show various warnings whenever the Internet connection...


Drop 1.4.2 updated

Drop.js can be used to create content-agnostic dropdowns for showing hidden content next to a page element. The difference between the Drop library and a regular tooltip plugin is that Drop shows the content only when clicked, instead of just...

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Vex 2.3.3 updated

Vex allows programmers to style the browser default alert, confirm and prompt windows. It replaces the ugly and intrusive popup windows with a JS and CSS powered solution that can be more easily controlled and styled according to various project...

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Tether 1.2.0 updated

Messing around with the default CSS positioning scheme has always been a bad idea for developers. But sometimes there's just no other way for coding your layout to get the desired effect. In cases the page needs to look good on mobile devices and also...

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