django-tumblr-auth is a django-social-auth extension which adds a backend for KeysIn order to use this application you must sign up for OAuth consumer key on These should be put into your settings fileusing...

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django-minimizer is a Django app for minimizing static files and using simple html5 template with jQuery and modernizr.INSTALLATION- Add djangominimizer to INSTALLED_APPS.- Add template context processor of djangominimizer:TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS =...

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Radpress 0.4.3

Python developers can run their own blog from within a Django installation, forgoing the usage of online blogging platforms or more complicated solutions like WordPress.Comes with an easy system of managing blog posts and pages.All page content is...


django-voice 0.4.1

django-voice is a very simple Django app to enable user feedback that is integrated with your Django project. Originally built for Verb ( and DependenciesFirtsly you have to satisfy dependencies which described in...

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radpress 0.4.1

radpress is a simple reusable blog application written in...

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