EOL Converter

EOL Converter 2.1 updated

EOL Converter is a Windows app for converting line endings of text files between CRLF (for Windows/DOS), CR (for iOS/macOS/watchOS), and LF (for Android/Linux/Unix). It is very useful for writing and reading text files between different OSes. EOL...

Folder Cleaner

Folder Cleaner 1.1.1 updated

Folder Cleaner is a Windows app for deleting intermediate, temporary, junk, and all unwanted files and subfolders from your folders. Folder Cleaner supports presets, and allows you to add, edit, or remove preset. You can custom your own file...

Copy Paste File Contents is a Windows Explorer extension that allows you to copy the contents of the selected file directly to the clipboard without opening the file, paste the contents of the clipboard directly to the selected file without opening the...

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