GBASDK 0.5.0

Unofficial Gameboy Advance Software Development Kit. Consisting of patched versions of the cross-compiler gcc, binutils, and newlib. Patches contributed by Jason Wilkins. Includes the Socrates Gameboy Advance Development Environment, along with a...


contacts 1.1

The utility contacts gives you access to view and search all your records in Mac OS X's AddressBook database from the command line.What is new in this release:With version 1.1, contacts is now installed in /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin; the '-S'...

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uControl 1.4.6

uControl is a keyboard remapper and more. Meaning, those useless keys can now be reused, remapped, or reduced. Unix hackers will be pleased to remap the caps lock key to the control key. Indeed, that was the reason uControl was originally created;...

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