Fully featured web browser based on Internet Explorer. Support for themes and color skins, Highly customizable built-in search tool, Nice sidebar with a bunch of tools, Support for Internet Explorer add-ons. A bit heavy on resources, Relies on Internet...

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Plantasia Professional is the unrivaled, interactive encyclopedia of plants and flowers. The software provides a wealth of information for home, work or school. Get instant access to information including growth and cultivation tips, plant photographs,...

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Plantasia Home Edition is an interactive encyclopedia of garden plants and flowers. The software provides a wealth of information for home, work or school. Get instant access to information including growth and cultivation tips, plant photographs, and...

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Toolbox LT

Toolbox LT 2009

In today's competitive environment, the spotlight is on productivity and presentation. Companies need design software that ensures them that vital competitive edge. Toolbox LT is the answer, providing the most cost effective solution for extending your...