Introduction: This maze will throw the most experienced maze solver for a loop! The fun continues with each stage. Remember to go with the flow, as each stage gets progressively more difficult. Your goal is to enter the maze through any of the available...

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Are you a city slicker or do you prefer the small town pace? No matter what your preference, everyone seems to be amazed by spectacular skyscrapers. This game asks you to set your expectations high. The goal is to find out the heights of all the...

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You might remember playing this game as a child. Now your favorite game has come to life with a whole new twist. The object is to find the ships hidden within each grid through deductive reasoning. Use basic strategies to solve this intense puzzle. An...

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Tents 1.01

Experience the great outdoors minus the bugs. This fun filled game asks you to find the location of all the tents in each grid. Tents must be tied to a tree and will take up one cell. There are numbers along the perimeter to help you figure out how many...

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Numerical: Five Tests, 75 Questions. It's all a numbers game. Even if math isn't your favorite subject, you will be amazed at how exciting it is to solve one of these problems. Puzzles, sequences, and word problems are all turned into a numerical IQ test...

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No one wants it to rain on their parade. Hurry up and find all of the rain clouds before you end up drenched! This game asks you to figure out where all of the rain clouds are hiding. Rain clouds are not adjacent to each other, and the numbers along the...

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Deja Vu

Deja Vu 1.01

Solving this mind-bending game will definitely earn you bragging rights! The objective of this game is to divide the grid into subsections so that each subsection contains one letter. You begin by selecting a letter and adding it to an unlettered...

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This fun game combines logic with speed. Each number corresponds to the amount of blank cells that each cell owns. The possibilities are endless as the lines can either be horizontal or vertical. Games are timed so be sure to challenge your friends and...

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End View

End View 1.01

This game will have even the most seasoned puzzle solvers scratching their heads in disbelief. Start this puzzle and in no time your brain will be working in overdrive to solve it. Each row and column must contain the letters A, B, or C, but only once The...

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This might be your biggest challenge yet. Give your brain a great workout by attempting to solve this puzzle. The possibilities are endless, but there is only one solution to figuring this out. Fill in the blank cells with the numbers 1-6 so that each of...

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